Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"It takes more than one cold day for a river to freeze three feet deep. This means: "Rome wasn't built in a day. Work harder and practice more."

"If you work hard enough at it, you can grind even an iron rod down to a needle. This proverb encourages us to persevere in whatever we undertake. Just as the English proverb has it:"Constant drilling can wear away a stone".

"When a mute person eats dumplings, he knows how many he has eaten, even though he cannot speak. We use this saying to point someone knowing the situation quite well, yet saying nothing."

"- A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. This proverb's messages is: Having gone through a setback, one will have gained experience and wisdom, which will be useful if only one can take warning and learn something from the setback."

"The spectators see more of the game than the players. This proverb points out that a person involved in a matter usually does not have a comprehensive overview of it due to too much concentration on gains and losses, while the onlookers, who have a calmer and more objective attitude, have a better grasp of what is going on."

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"Practice what you preach."

"If people are of one heart, even the yellow earth can become gold. This proverb tells us that as long as people are unified, any goal can be achieved."

"As a man cannot be known by his looks, neither can the sea be fathomed by a gourd. This proverb notes that judging by appearance may lead to serious mistakes."

"An oil lamp becomes brighter after trimming, a truth becomes clearer after being discussed. This saying tells us that facing a complicated problem, only by discussion and debate can we get the correct answer. Truth develops through the comparison of ideas."

"As distance tests a horse’s strength, so does time reveal a person’s real character. This saying tells us that a long period of testing is needed to understand one’s nature and capabilities."

Monday, May 2, 2016

"It is hard to please everyone."

"When reading, don’t let a single word escape your attention; one word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold. This proverb stresses the fact that study requires undivided attention. No single word should be passed over before we fully understand it. Only in this way can study be rewarded."

"A small hole not mended in time will become a big hole much more difficult to mend. This proverb tells us that if a trivial problem is not solved in time, it will become a serious and knotty one."

"It is when you are using what you have learned from books that you wish you had read more. This proverb reminds us that we can never read widely enough."

"It is easy to find a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a good general. This proverb notes the difficulty of finding an outstanding leader."

Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Some are happy, some have worries. Or one man’s disaster is another man’s delight."

"Timely return of a loan makes it easier to borrow a second time."

"A bad thing may become a good thing under certain conditions. According to the book 'Huainanzi - Lessions of Human World' , an old man living in a border region lost his horse and people came to comfort him, but he said 'This may be a blessing in disguise, who knows?' Indeed, the horse later returned to the man and brought him a better horse."

"When rich, think of poverty, but don't think of riches when you are poor. This proverb indicates that frugality is the best policy: Be frugal even when you are rich, and don't dream of riches when you are poor, but work hard and be thrifty."

"Near to rivers, we recognize fish, near to mountains, we recognize the songs of birds. It is very important to make on-the-spot investigations."